Scientific Curriculum of Medical Doctor

Salvatore Massimo Stella

Born on 15th July 1959 in Catania he got his high school diploma at the Liceo Scientifico "Ulisse Dini" in Pisa.

In November 1978 he enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at Pisa University and graduated with full marks (110/110) on 26th October 1984

In 1982 during his studies in Medicine and Surgery he obtained, through selection, a place as house doctor ( medicine student) to cover the cardiological wards directed by Prof.Mario Mariani, Director of the School of Specialisation in Cardiovascolar diseases. He consequently took part in the research activities of this University Centre for about a year and a half. In those years his interest in ultrasound, in particular in echocardiography, grew.

In 1983 he started working in the medical and cardiological units at the Clinica Medica II, directed by Prof.Costantino Giusti.

His laurea dissertation on experimental Sports Cardiology, written under the supervision of the illustrious Prof. Costantino Giusti, was entitled: "Orthostatic Stress: modifications due to physical training in adolescence, evaluated through the technique of cardio-impedance".

His dissertation was presented at the National Congress of Sports Medicine held in Urbino in 1984.

In November 1984 he became a qualified M.D., in the same month he enrolled in a specialization course in Internal Medicine and in July 1989 he got his Specialization Diploma with honours: 50/50, with an experience-based dissertation entitled "The echographic evaluation of the abdominal aorta aneurysm: morphological test and clinical-anamnestic considerations". Part of this dissertation was presented at the 34th National Congress of Radiology, held in Turin the following year.

In the first two years of specialization his main interest concentrated on cardio-echographic diagnosis (M Mode, B Mode), acquiring sufficient skill in it.

During his Military Service , he worked as Medical Officer for 12 months at the Special Infirmary of the "Vannucci" Military Camp in Livorno, where 3500 soldiers were stationed.

He was in the 2nd Paratrooper Battalion; the Special Infirmary had radiological equipment and an emergency ward operating theatre with 40 hospital beds, therefore it was considered a hospital ward, according to art. 112, paragraphs 464,465 of the Territorial Military Health Service Regulations (Royal Decree,17th January 1932, circular 164Gm 1933, item 198).

From 1989 to 1991, for 16 months, he worked as Substitute Duty Doctor/ Doctor on call at the USL4 Garfagnana (Local Health Center).

For three nonsubsequent years, he worked as Touristic Doctor ( a doctor who works for tourists) at Pratolino (Fi), S, Vincenzo (Li) and Marina di Pisa.

From April 1991 to December 1991 he was given a grant from the Ordine dei Medici( College of Doctors)for a theoretical and practical apprenticeship for the training of doctors of General Medicine at the University U.U.O.O.(operative units) of Usl 12.

Since January 1992 he has been a qualified Emergency Duty Doctor/ Doctor on call at USL4 Garfagnana.


Internal echographist activity- Research activity

From 1987 for six months he covered the wards of diagnostic internal echography run by doctors Giulio Di Candio and Alessandro Campatelli SIUMB ( the Italian Society of Medical and Biological Ultrasound) accredited school for theoretical and practical apprenticeship in diagnostic and operating echography.

For the broadening of his theoretical education in internal diagnostic ultrasound the fundamental French books by Prof. F. Weill were used.

From 1987 to 1997 he worked daily as echographist at the Clinica Medica II for the Clinica Medica II, for the other University Clinics and for USL.

Since 1989 he has been a member of SIUMB, and since then he has participated in many national and international congresses on ultrasound.

In November 1990 he attended the 1st Italian Course of Abdominal Echo-doppler held in Bologna by Prof. Luigi Bolondi, and passed the relative exams.

In 1991 he was member of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.

In 1997 he gained his National Diploma In Ultrasound from SIUMB.

In two academic years, from 1993 to 1995, he worked as consultant lecturer for the Theory and the Practice of Echography at the 5th Year of the Specialization School in Internal Medicine at Pisa University (Professor on contract).

In July 1994 invited as a chairman, he took part in the 7th World Congress on Echography, held in Sapporo, Hokkaido (Japan), and he chaired a session on abdominal pathologies.


  1. At the 3rd SIUMB National Congress on Echotomography, held in Bologna in 1990, he received the Special Award "Paolo Casanova" for the best work presented by a young Italian researcher (under 35) and for the best poster shown at the Congress.
  2. At the 6th SIUMB National Congress, nine international days on Ultrasound, held at Montecatini Terme, in November 1993, he was awarded for the best oral presentation
  3. At the 7th SIUMB National Congress on Echotomography, held at Riccione in September1994, he was awarded for the best research contribution presented as a poster.


As first author he presented the following works at national and international congresses:

He has many publications as first author and as co-author in many important national and international magazines on Diagnostics by imaging/ .His interest in internal Echography research concentrates on physiopathology of the liver, of the spleen-portal axis, of the spleen and of the kidney, but also on the vascolar pathology of the endoabdominal and periphereal vessels An Interest in the gastroentherologic field has recently grown.

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